The Cook County websites have a wealth of information on property taxes and all things related. Here’s a short exerpt from the Cook County Clerk’s site on what a Property Index Number is and how to find it. You can read the full article at
How to Read a PIN
The PIN is a 14-digit number composed of a 10-digit base that is modified for condominiums and leaseholds by adding a four-digit unit suffix. The basic PIN structure is:
- AA is the AREA number (sequential township)
- SS is the SUBAREA number (section)
- BBB is the BLOCK number
- PPP is the PARCEL number
- UUUU is the UNIT number for condominiums and leaseholds (zeros in this portion of the PIN indicate non-condo and non-leasehold PINs)
This system uniquely identifies each tax parcel in Cook County and makes it possible for tax map users to quickly locate a parcel on a tax map
PIN = 12-26-328-009-0000
Step 1
Use the two-digit area number (12 in the sample) to identify your township on the Cook County map.
Step 2
Look within the township area identified in Step 1 to find your two-digit section number (26 in the sample).
Step 3
Look within the subsection identified in Step 2 and use the three-digit block number (328 in the sample) to find your block.
Step 4
Look within your block identified in Step 3 to find your three-digit parcel number (009 in the sample). If the property in question is a condo or leasehold, the next four-digit number will identify the specific unit in a condo or the leaseholder. If this section contains zeros (as in the sample) the property is not a condo or leasehold.